Methods of Fishing
»Types of Fish

Methods of Offshore Fishing

There are two main types of methods used for offshore fishing- trolling and chumming. Both of these methods are effective, though weather, time of year, and fish feeding habits usually determine which one we choose to use each day.

Trolling lures bouncing on the surface in the Mataura's wake at sunset

TROLLING - When trolling, we use anywhere from four to twelve rods, and cruise between three and twelve mph. While doing this, we use either actual fish rigged with hooks or lures. In some cases, lures are made to mimic actual fish in their motion and appearance. Other times, though, their unusual shapes and bright colors don't look like anything alive in the ocean. However, we use them for their productivity and not their looks. This method can be very exciting, for a fish hitting trolling lure creates an image not unlike an explosion in the water. Furthermore, it is common to have several fish jump on at once- this can create quite a fire drill.

Customer battling a Yellowfin hooked while chunking offshore.

CHUMMING- Chumming is done either anchored to the bottom or drifting. While chumming, or "chunking", we set four or five lines in the water with live or dead fish (butterfish, mackerel, squid) deep below the ocean surface with weights. Then, by creating a "slick" from the boat of either cut-up or ground fish, we attract the fish to the boat. This method can actually pull an entire school of fish to the boat and lends to high catch numbers when the fish are abundant.

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